Fascia Decompression

Fascia decompression is a powerful fascia release technique that improves pain, posture and overall health. The fascia system connects the body from head to toe. Typically where we experience pain is not the root cause.

Over time adhesions are created in the fascia due to poor posture, injuries, traumas and scars. This disrupts our alignment causing pain and illness. By working on these areas, Diane can melt through the adhesions and bring you back to optimal alignment.

Combining Fluid Isometrics (fascial release using the hands) and Block Therapy (fascia release using a therapeutic aid called a Block Buddy), Diane works to find the source of pain and then release it. Additionally, Diane will work with you to set up a program to continue the healing process at home and accelerate the healing process.

Clients wear shorts and a t-shirt and lay on a cushioned floor mat. 

Fascia Decompression Session 60 Minutes


Diane also offers;

Bowen Therapy


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