Access Bars

Access Bars is a gentle hands-on technique that has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. The Bars are 32 unique points on the head that correlate to different areas and aspects of your life. Your practitioner will gently touch these unique points to release the electromagnetic charge of the beliefs, decisions, attitude, ideas, and thoughts that may be limiting you in your day to day life. This is an opportunity to just let go of everything.

Clients report a sense of complete and total relaxation, many people fall asleep. Some people will dream or have visions come to them and others report a physical sensation such as tingling, buzzing, warmth, twitches or shivers. Everyone is different and every Access Bars appointment can feel different depending on where you are in your healing journey.

Studies have shown that an Access Bars treatment slows brainwaves to a theta state (sleeping or deep meditation) which allows behavioral patterns and childhood perspectives to surface and be released allowing for a greater sense of presence, allowance and openness.

If you have any additional questions about Access Bars, please contact Natalie.

Access Bars (60 Minutes)

Access Bars is a holistic non-invasive energy process where the practitioner lightly applies acupressure techniques on 32 meridian points on the recipient’s scalp & head. The Access Bars takes the electromagnetic charges of negative considerations, thoughts, feelings, emotions, decisions, judgements, and beliefs from any lifetime, that are electrically stored in the brain and releases them. Receiving this energy treatment typically leaves the client with a sense of peace and space, a feeling like there is more possibility open to them.

$125 + HST

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Access Bars + Hot Stone (60 Minutes)

Enjoy the regenerating benefits of access bars accompanied with hot stones placed on meridian points as heat therapy and amplified energetic activations. This treatment provides the benefits of energetic rebalancing with enhanced relaxation provided from the warmth of heated stones aligned to energetic meridians on different the body.

$165 + HST

CBD Massage+ Energy Healing (90 Minutes)

This treatment combines a 60-minute aromatherapy massage with CBD oil and a 30-minute energy treatment of your choice (Reiki, IET, Access Bars). Realign your body, mind, and soul with this 90-minute divine escape

$165 + HST