Transformation Session

A message from Shannon;

Our lives are not just guided by our conscious decisions and actions, but 95% of how we show up, how we perceive the world and our environments and experiences, the opportunities we attract, and things we decide to do are guided by our subconscious programming. It is the belief systems we were born into, the experiences we've had, what we've learned, stories that live inside us that make us act in certain ways.

Our wellness isn't just rooted physically - but stems from us being in balance physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. If any of these are out of balance that is when our wellness starts to suffer. Because we live in a world where it's so easy to get disconnected from what we need for our own personal wellness.

Connect back to yourself

When we are experiencing issues in our lives, these Transformation Sessions can help get to the root of where the disruption is stemming from. By helping connect back to ourselves, our bodies and our intuition we can begin to respond to what we need in order to return to a state of balance.

These Transformation Sessions can include modalities such as;

  • Energy & Spiritual Healing -- working with the body’s energy systems, along with beliefs or stories to work towards healing and change

  • Guided Meditation -- a technique to help connect with ones breath, the present moment, and to guide you to parts of yourself you aren’t consciously aware of

  • Navigating & Reprogramming the subconscious -- bringing awareness to what is happening on a subconscious level and making changes there to anything creating issues in your life

  • Intuitive Information & Soul Guidance - connecting with the information  coming from your soul and energy bodies to gain deeper understanding

  • Love & Self-Worth

    Foundational healing for core wounds intertwined with your self-worth. Work through betrayal, rejection, and abandonment to have a more patient and loving relationship with yourself. Restore your self-worth to attract and form healthier relationships. Open yourself to better opportunities and to receiving all of the good things in life.

    60 min


  • Balanced Bodies

    Looking at physical health imbalances from a holistic perspective and energetically creating positive change. By looking at what is at play physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically we can get back to balance and wellness.

    60 min


  • Connect & Create

    If you are feeling disconnected and unsure of yourself at this moment, come reconnect with, and return to trusting, your intuition. Work towards identifying your purpose and direction. Regain confidence in your decision making to create and navigate the next steps towards a life you love. Consider coming in for uncertainty surrounding business, career, school advancement, new opportunities, and big life changes.

    60 min


  • Open Session

    Bring any concern and find the energetic balance to address the cause.

    60 min


Anyone can benefit from energy therapy. We are self healing organisms, sometimes our body just need support in the healing process. Working in the energetic body helps alleviate and soften energy that has slowed down, manifesting as thoughts and physical ailments.