For added detoxification and circulation, pair leg compression with a 30 min infrared sauna session to follow.


Compression Therapy

Using dynamic compression to mobilize fluid, lymphatic fluid flush, and improve circulation which helps you recover and heal more efficiently.

Three Tides uses Normatec system- the gold standard in compression. Your body will experience dynamic pressure in sequences to help pump and flush out your extremities.

The sleaves apply contracting pressure to restrict and ease the area, creating a pumping like action to flush out your circulatory system. With adjustable pressure levels from 1-7. The session is relaxing and rhythmic, lasting from 30min to 45min in length.

Whether you are an athlete recovering from a hard workout or dealing with everyday aches and pains, this can be a great tool to help you feel better.

    • Faster Recovery

    • Increase Circulation

    • Lymphatic Drainage

    • Reduces Swelling

    • Improve Mobility

    • Decreasing DOMS (Delaying Onset Muscle Soreness)

    • Removing Lactic Acid

  • 30 min Sessions - $33

    45 min Session - $48

    6 pack (30 min Session) - $180


Normatec’s saying ‘fresh legs faster’ does just that for your recover. Compression therapy increases circulation and helps you maintain your full range of motion, leaving you fresh and limber. We suggest a 30 min session for your legs.


The Hip attachment provides compression to your lower back and hips. With two adjustable buckles to ensure a snug and secure fit for you. On its own for 30min or pair it with leg compression for a total of 45min (15min hips followed by legs for 30mins).

Take advantage of the dynamic air compression to enhance your wellness, recover faster, maximize your training and optimize performance. There is a reason why athletes around the world choose Normatec!